Thursday, August 17, 2006
About Me
- Name: Trollmor
- Location: Norway
Hei, Trollmor på 32 vintre har endelig laget en blogg. Tanken min med denne bloggen er å kunne samle bilder og andre ting for å dele dem med venner og familie, men mest av alt å "forevige" bilder og andre ting som har en betydning for MEG enten jeg bare synes det er et kult, tøft, trist eller rart, eller fordi det er en historie bak det som jeg har lyst til å huske.
Those charming buildings from a bygone era are great finds. Too soon they will be mashed asunder to make way for the next corporate headquarters of Schmukmer, Fazulli and Gilblank.
The bus kind of goes with the house, neat.
Wow... I was really happy to read the nice comment on my page!!
Amazing how people can find your websighte out of all millions there is to choose from!!
Thank you so much who evere you are. Only got to a web sight when I clicked at the "north myrtle beach" link. If you do have your own page I would like to see it :-)
Thank you!!
Hey,this is almost unreal! A cracker!
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