"Have you ever seen the rain?!?"

Bergen is called "the city between seven mountains" This unfortunately results in a lot of rain all trough the year. When I say a lot I really mean A LOT!! But it`s really nothing compared to the rain showers we had in Thailand....
We knew that we was traveling during the rain-season and alltrough we were lucky. It only rained for two nights. The night this pictures was taken we had just entered a bar in "the Walkingstreet" to see some Thai Boxing and get a couple of beers. The rain came and in just 30 minutes the streets were flooded. All the electricity went out and the thunder and lightning was crazy just over our heads. Although it was a bit scary right then it truly was one of the highlights of the trip. As we predicted, after about 20 minutes Thai people were running around selling umbrellas. Every moment is a sales moment :-)
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