Cairina moschata

I have just come back from a great summer holiday week in Moss. I spent the days at my aunt and uncle`s "new" house. It was a great week and it was hard getting back to work :-)
Me and Alfred took some great night photos. You can see one here : Night
In just 2 1/2 week me, my boyfriend Tor, Thomas and Kristin (some of of our best friends) are going to London to see Madonna live at Wembley stadium. Yippi!!!!
When we get back from London it`s going to be a loooong week at work before we jump on an airplane, august 17th for two weeks in beautiful Thailand.
On my way to work this morning this crazy, BIG bird showed up in front of me. I know, it`s not a very good picture but the bird was almost 1/3 of my size and it was really creepy. I slowly backed up while grabbing my camera from my purse. I was shaking a bit and was anguish to get away from it. I had no idea of what kind of bird it was. When I got to work I looked up a website where you could ask an ornithology. He told me the birds name. I`ve never seen anything like it. It would be fun to know if it is a rare bird to see here in Norway...