"Typical Norwegian Tradition"

Finnaly it`s autumn. My favourite seson of the year. I just love the colours and the light outside. (Forget the fact that the weather is bad, it`s been like this for months allready som we just have to skip that issue..... :-))
All over Norway people are enjoying one of the most traditional Norwegian dishes called Fårikål. It`s basicly just sheeps meet (lamb), cabbage and hole black pepper, boiled in a big pan for a coupple of hours. It`s probably the number one Sunday dinner at this time of year.
For the more experienced once we have Smalahove. The skin and fleece of the head is torched and the head is salted and dried. The head is boiled and served with mashed rutabaga and potatoes. Smalahove is concidered by some to be unappealing or even repulsive.
Originally, Smalahove was considered eaten only by poor people, but in modern days it's considered to be a delicacy.
It is mostly enjoyed by enthusiasts, and is often served to tourists and braver visitors.
Bon Apetit
Romle, romle ! Nei, skal`n ta seg en brødskive, a ? Hva med pizza ?
Eller som Bart Simpson sier:
"Why the hell can`t we buy our food at the gas-station like normal people ?"
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