Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Terror or not, here we come....
August 10th. Me, Tor, Thomas and Kristin met at the airport at 08.30 in the morning. Really looking forward to the Madonna concert at Wembley, England the same evening. 30 minutes after we had left Bergen by plane the captain gives us the bad message: "I`m sorry to inform you that we have to turn the plane around and return to Bergen. Something has happened in London and we are not permitted in to the English Airspace. It has something to do with Terror but I don`t know anything more than that at this moment"
I almost felt like crying when I got the message. At first becorse we where gonna miss the concert and then I realized that something terrible could have happened in London...
On the news that same morning I heard about 20 people getting arrested in London for planning attack at airplanes heading for USA and I suddenly got afraid that they had sucsessed.
When we arrived back in Bergen we were informed that nothing had happened in London but the airports were teperarily closed becorse of the high security.
In Bergen journalists from TV and local newspapers was crowding around us. They had heard us talking about how the h.... We were going to get to the concert in time... We were interview by two newspapers and one TV station.
To make a long story short:
We managed to book tickets to the only Norwegian airplane that landed at Gatwick that day. After a 180 pound, 1 1/2 hour long taxi drive from the airport we barley made it to the concert in time. (she started 15 minutes after we arrived!!!)
The concert was FANTASTIC!! and it was over too soon.
The other days in London we spent walking around being tourist taking a lots of pictures, eating good food (Sunday we went to Jamie Oliver`s restaurant Fifteen. That was a great experience)
Because of the high security at the airports in London we almost didn`t reach our plane back home. It was really weird. Everyone was walking around with see-trough plasticbags and there was police all over.
Now it`s only three days left before we leave rainy Bergen and goes to Thailand :-)