Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well.... it`s not actually her hair but I just love this picture. She is the best mom ever and the look that she got in her eyes in this picture is the type of smile that she gets all the time. She is a great cook, she makes terrible stupid jokes all the time, she is very caring for all the people around her. Once I slept at my parents house after working late. I came "home" at 4 in the morning. Working for 14 hours. On a chair beside the bed was a little bowl with a few fresh strawberry that my mom had picked in the garden.....
That's the kind of things that makes her the best mom ever :-)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

When we went to London, this August, we spent a whole day at the Science Museum. It was great and just like the Louvre in Paris, we could have walked around for days before we had seen it all. Tor was especially happy for the big Space Exhibition. It was really cool. There was also a big exhibition called "Making the Modern World" that we spent a lot of time exploring.I really recommend you to go and take a look at it :-)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

At a bar in Thailand, a man approached me with a BIG snake around his shoulders. It was Tor who talked to him at first and told him to go away. He knows that I don`t like snakes. I had drank a couple of beers and I told Tor that I waned to hold the snake. I would never ever said that if I was sober... The guy came over to us and put the snake around my shoulders and I felt like freaking out any second. In my mind I was just thinking of not make any moves that could scare it. As Tor said later, the snake was probably just fed or drugged or something because it was really calm. After a little while I heard some talking in Thai and suddenly an other guy put a second snake around me on top of the other one. I didn`t dare to freak out so the seconds felt like they lasted for hours. I suddenly got quite sober again. Wonder why...
I somehow managed to grab my camera and took a picture while I had a head on my hand.
Oh.... I`m freaking out just thinking about it.
The next evening we went to the movie to see "snake on a plain" Happy I hadn`t seen the movie first ;-)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
"Have you ever seen the rain?!?"

Bergen is called "the city between seven mountains" This unfortunately results in a lot of rain all trough the year. When I say a lot I really mean A LOT!! But it`s really nothing compared to the rain showers we had in Thailand....
We knew that we was traveling during the rain-season and alltrough we were lucky. It only rained for two nights. The night this pictures was taken we had just entered a bar in "the Walkingstreet" to see some Thai Boxing and get a couple of beers. The rain came and in just 30 minutes the streets were flooded. All the electricity went out and the thunder and lightning was crazy just over our heads. Although it was a bit scary right then it truly was one of the highlights of the trip. As we predicted, after about 20 minutes Thai people were running around selling umbrellas. Every moment is a sales moment :-)
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Smiley faces

2 weeks in beautiful Thailand. We just got back and has started looking at all the pictures we took. Must be nearly 300 together. A lot of typical "tourist photos". It`s kind of funny thinking about how we laugh when we see tourist walking around with big maps and cameras allways in use. On our holiday we are just the same. We forget everything around us and concentrate on getting the best shots and the most.
The trip has been wonderful. I have never been in a country with so many smiley faces. Sincerely smiling faces. Mama San at the bar we went to, James at the hotel, Eck who arranged the trip and the nice waitresses at "The Surfhouse". Those people made my holiday the best ever. The sun is the same weather you`re in Spain or in Thailand but the people you meet makes the memories....